Trip to Lucknow India for IFPEOC
July 17 to 25
Lucknow 11801
meeting with Prof Chin In Bangkok
Lucknow 21903
first night - Red Castle
Lucknow 21905
Lucknow 21906 Lucknow 21908
Driver, Prem's home
Lucknow 21909
lunch on the road
Lucknow 21910
truck drivers sleeping under trucks in noon heat
Lucknow 21911 Lucknow 21913
Driver, Prem's home
Drive to Jaipur
Lucknow 31902 Lucknow 31912 Lucknow 31918
Lucknow 42003 Lucknow 42004 Lucknow 42005 Lucknow 42006 Lucknow 42012
Jaipur, Rajasthan (the pink city)
Lucknow 42013 Lucknow 42014 Lucknow 42015 Lucknow 42016 Lucknow 42017 Lucknow 42018
Lucknow 43010 Lucknow 43011 Lucknow 43012 Lucknow 43022 Lucknow 43023 Lucknow 43024
Amrat Ganaga, Carpet factory
Lucknow 44025 Lucknow 44026
Shahpura House
Lucknow 44027
on the road to Agra, Uttar Pradesh
Lucknow 44028 Lucknow 44036 Lucknow 45037
Lucknow 52104 Lucknow 52138 Lucknow 52139 Lucknow 52141
Lucknow 52142
Taj Mahal
Lucknow 52151 Lucknow 52152 Lucknow 52153 Lucknow 53101 Lucknow 53102
inlaying stone
Lucknow 54106
Moslem mosque
Lucknow 54107
back to Delhi
Lucknow 60108
Lucknow 60109
Lucknow 70102
back to Delhi
Lucknow 70109 Lucknow 70111 Lucknow 70112 Lucknow 70113
Lucknow 70114 Lucknow 70115
Lucknow 70116 Lucknow 70117 Lucknow 70119 Lucknow 70121 Lucknow 70122 Lucknow 70123

Traveled with Larry Chung to Lucknow, India to learn more about the narcotic-free poppy developed by CIMAP scientists. Since we could not meet with CIMAP until Monday, we took a short four day tour of Delhi - Jaipur - Agra - Delhi before flying to Lucknow on Monday July 22.

"Successful development of a non-narcotic (opiumless and alkaloid-free) var. Sujata of opium poppy for the first time in the world has heralded a new era of opium poppy cultivation which need not be licensed. This novel variety offers a cheap and permanent natural means of combating opium-linked social abuses across the world. It is also a high calorie and protein-rich (>23%) seed (food) crop. Its seeds possess higher oil content (50¡V>52%) with greater proportion of hypocholesterolemic unsaturated fatty acids, than the major oilseed crops, viz. rapeseed and mustard in India. Hence, the var. Sujata is a potential supplement to the production of healthful vegetable oil, referred to as 'Sonola', for a good dietary control for coronary heart disease. Besides, it forms a sound parental base for development of hyper-alkaloid true CPS chemotypes/varieties for pharmaceutical purposes."

(from: Combating opium-linked global abuses and supplementing the production of edible seed and seed oil: A novel non-narcotic var. Sujata of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) originally published in Current Science (Vol. 7, No. 12, 25 December, 1999) under the Indian Academy of Science)

Arranged to meet with officers of CIMAP in Lucknow, India who developed Sujata. CIMAP is the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants a constituent laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - India's leading national Scientific and Research Organization. In correspondence with CSIR, in advance of our trip, CIMAP advised that we must obtain clearance from the MEA (India's Ministry of External Affairs).

We contacted the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants to explore the possibilities of sujata application in the Wa area of northern Myanmar. Dr SN Garg, Head of International Scientific Collaboration of CIMAP in Lucknow wrote to us on 6/21 to advise us that the Director General of CSIR had approved our visit to CIMAP subject to MEA clearance. Despite our efforts, we were not able to determine how to obtain this clearance and decided to travel to Lucknow and meet with CIMAP regardless. We met with the director of CIMAP and a panel of scientists involved in the development of sujata on 7/22 (4 PM). We were advised to obtain clearance from the Ministry of External Affairs before continuing discussions. The Director also advised that we work with his parent organization, the CSIR in Delhi, which we visited the following day.

We met with Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Joint Advisor, International S&T Affairs Directorate, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) on July 23. CSIR advised that CIMAP can not only provide sujata seeds for the Wa, but may also be available to provide elements of technology transfer and field training which could further insure the success of a crop replacement program.

Many people we met on this recent venture questioned our enthusiasm for sujata. We believe that the extraordinarily high vegetable oil value of sujata seed is economically promising. We have attempted crop substitution of opium with rubber, grains and tea in the past with disappointingly limited success. We are further encouraged by the leader of the Wa's personal high interest in the sujata strain. In his sincere mission to rid his peoples of the scourge of the drug industry in his area, he has promised to arrange economic subsidies to insure that sujata's output value matches the value of their current opium crops. Indeed the Wa leadership has a clear record of fulfilling similar promises in their relocation of large numbers of Wa to the lowlands of the southern Wa area, where the Wa constructed hospitals, schools and roads to support their relocated population.

LongDong | Index | October