Djanbung Gardens
< CNY 2012 in Nantian
311 Protest March >
worm castings fertilizer for sale
selling composting worms
municipal composting facility
Robyn orders some compost for her gardens
Checking out the product
Beautiful stuff
Robyn's workhorse vehicle
Robyn gives a permie worker and I a tour of Djanbung Gardens
Part of a grey/black water biofiltering system
Robyn shows how things connect - retired train carriages serve as student accomodations
Large water tank with platypus, namesake of Djanbung Gardens
showing part of the center building's draining system
Office annex
Walking around central classroom
Many different areas provide covered but outdoor space
Classroom building with large veranda all around
Reed bed biofiltering system
Filtering pond
Flow forms for aeration
Reed bed and filtering
Part of large water area for water security, habitat
Temperate trees and flat areas for ceremonies
The other side of the "lake"
Island in the lake
Vegetable gardens
Food gardens
Coppiced tree
Trees and dappled sunlight in Zone V
Student garden
Native edible plant?
Garden area waiting for new permie interns
Nicely coppiced trees
Bamboo grove
Golden bamboo and swale
Main crops garden ready for pig tractors
Upper dam
Up near dam above the food forest
Banana, even though the area sees some freezing
Road above, water run-off collected
Stand of giant bamboo
For a sense of scale
Staring up at giants
Small guild of trees and plants
Student living area
Dates: 2012:02:10 - 2012:02:11
< CNY 2012 in Nantian
311 Protest March >